Magknowlia is a network of independent industry specialists who each bring their own expertise. Together, we offer consultancy, sales, and training for content providers and -users. By working together the total is more than the sum of our parts. We help you with sales & business development, acquisition support, peer-review, editorial due-diligence, production, society publishing, flipping to OA, and much more. Reach out to us for more information.


Magknowlia specialises in crafting and implementing tailored sales and business development strategies to give you a competitive edge in today's dynamic market. Our full-spectrum approach takes you from strategic planning to direct outreach, effectively bridging the gap between content providers and their target users. Utilizing…


At Magknowlia, we're experts in content and have a particular focus on academic publishing. Our seasoned team provides strategic advice and implements effective solutions in both book and journal publishing. Whether you need guidance on peer-review processes, acquisitions, transitioning to open access, production workflows, ethical…


At Magknowlia we offer comprehensive and tailored training programs designed to enhance skills, knowledge, and efficiency in academic publishing. We train publishers, editors, reviewers, and researchers in all aspects of scholarly communication. How to write, submit, review, and publish. We do this live, in person…


Journal Publishing & Development | Business Development | Digital Education Solutions | Health Sciences | Leadership | Business Growth Strategy | Commercial Solutions | Product Ideation| Production Tendering | Market Research | Data Analysis | Sales & Marketing | Trend Analysis | Content Acquisition | Budgeting & Forecasting | Business Proposal Creation | Product Development | Open Access Publishing | FAIR Consulting | Society Publishing | Publishing as a Service | Peer-review | Mergers & Acqusitions | APIN

Example Here

Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit
voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium,
totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae ab illo inventore
veritatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt explicabo.

All submissions are routed through the editorial office
which is run by the Editor-in-Chief. The editorial office
assigns manuscripts to the relevant subject editors.
Subject editors arrange for a peer review through the editorial office.
Subject editors provide a recommendation to the Editor-in-Chief
based on two reviews. The Editor-in-Chief  takes all final decisions.

Editor in Chief
Bill Gates, Microsoft corporation, started in 2020 and has a contract for another 4 years.

Steve Jobs, review editor, University of Wisconsin, agreement for another 3 years

J.K. .Rowling, book review editor, Hogwarts University, has an agreement for another 2 years.