Magknowlia offers bespoke onsite training for researchers, editors and publishers. We adapt our teaching methods depending on the academic experience and size of your group. Each tailored training course is based on our large portfolio of established modules.


We can conduct training courses at your institute or company,specifically tailoring them to your needs and desires. Following some initial discussions,we will assess the type of course that would best suit your needs; this could be a lecture-style workshop for a large group, or more…


We produce the entire curriculum and all teaching materials. All you have to do is provide us with an auditorium and some basic ITinfrastructure. Magknowlia can handle online registrations for all courses if necessary.


Costs are calculated on a per day basis. • $ 1.750 per day of training • Traveldays are charged at 50% • Economy class travel • Per Diem


To be successful as a researcher you must publish in internationally renowned, English language journals. To achieve this you need novel and interesting results and a high quality paper clearly describing your findings. Writing a paper can be a daunting task, especially for ESL researchers. Magknowlia provides bespoke workshops for researchers that teach you how to write a top quality paper in English.


Training Modules:

  • Reference managers
  • Styles
  • Abbreviations
  • DOI
  • Submission systems
  • Checking your manuscript
  • Cover letters
Before you start writing
  • Reading strategies
  • Reference managers
  • Choosing the best journal
  • Are you ready to write?
  • Mindset
  • Writing order
  • Writer’s block
  • Grammar
  • Vocabulary
  • Scientific style
  • Simple writing
  • Technical style
  • Person
  • Voice
  • Tense
  • Sentence length
  • Verbs & Actions
  • Noun clusters
  • Pronouns
Tables & Figures
  • Graphs
  • Tables
  • Photographs
Publishing process
  • Copyediting and proofing
  • Marking corrections
  • Additions
  • Reprints
  • Supplementary data
Ethical considerations
  • Plagiarism
  • Originality
  • Authorship
  • Multiple submissions
  • Conflicts of interest
  • Word choice
  • Redundancies & Jargon
  • Abbreviations
  • Nomenclature & Terminology
  • Dictionaries
  • Structure
  • Organization
  • Coherence
  • 1st sentence
  • last sentence
Peer review
  • The function of peer review
  • Editor’s decision
  • How to respond to editors and reviewers
Introduction to publishing
  • Why publish?
  • Historical perspectives
  • What is a scientific paper?
Structuring a paper
  • Title
  • Abstract
  • Introduction
  • Materials and methods
  • Results
  • Discussion
  • Acknowledgements
  • References
Word location
  • Expectations
  • Competition for Emphasis
  • Placement of Words
ESL athors
  • Prepositions
  • Articles
  • Verbs
  • Adjectives and Adverbs
  • Nouns and Pronouns
  • References


The thought of joining the editorial board of a journal might seem overwhelming to you. However, as a researcher, you have expertise in a particular subject area; that is why you have been invited to be a journal editor. Magknowlia offers comprehensive workshops to journal editors and their editorial boards. We can assist you:

  • Further develop your journal
  • Advise on how to make the editorial process more efficient
  • Choose the review model best suited to your publication
  • Provide advice on how to deal with ethical issues

Our editorial training workshops are bespoke and tailored to your specific needs. We can provide one-on-one training, or even continuous editorial support for your journal.

Training Modules:

Building your editorial board
  • How to find a replacement editor
  • Who should you be looking for?
  • Use and abuse
  • Impact Factor
  • Alternatives
  • Alternative metrics
Journal editors
  • Historical perspective
  • What does it take to be an editor?
  • Common pitfalls
  • Promoting your journal
  • Social media
  • Viral
  • Tips & Tricks
Daily work
  • Efficiency
  • Technical review
  • Poor language
  • Complaints from authors
Ethical considerations
  • Originality
  • Authorship
  • Multiple submissions
  • Conflicts of interest
  • Human and animal ethics
Dealing with publishers
  • Who is in charge?
  • Who is responsible?
  • Contracts
  • Finances
  • Taxissues
  • Choosing the best reviewmodel
  • Deskrejection
  • Finding peer reviewers
  • Improving quality
Developing your journal
  • Structuring your journal
    • Geographical
    • Topical
    • Types of manuscripts
  • Soliciting manuscripts
  • Keeping your journal novel
  • Rapid publication workflow


Staff within STM publishers often have a background in academia and switch to a career in publishing at a later stage. Thus there is a need for training. Our trainers are experienced publishers who can help you get your personnel up to a higher level. Contact us for a bespoke offer.

Training Modules:

Developing a journal
  • Structuring the journal
    • Geographical
    • Topical
    • Types of manuscripts
  • Soliciting manuscripts
  • Maintaining the novelty of journals
  • Speeding up publication workflows
  • Financial concepts
  • Profit and loss calculations
  • Direct and indirect costs
  • Journal modeling
  • XMLfirst
  • Typesetting
  • Workflow
  • DTDs
  • In-house or outsourced?
STM Publishing
  • Historical perspective
  • Functions
  • Market
  • Types of publications
  • Originality
  • Authorship
  • Submission of manuscripts
  • Conflicts of interest
  • Humane treatments & hazards
Portfolio development
  • Market research
  • Competitive analysis
  • Building a strong portfolio
  • What to do with weak journals
Selling the journal
  • Big deals
  • Single subscriptions
  • Commercial revenues
    • Reprints
    • Sponsoring
    • Portals
    • Banners
  • Sponsoring
  • Print
  • Online
  • Repositories
  • Indexing services
Current developments
  • The changing landscape
  • Role of libraries
  • Funding
  • Technical innovations
Legal issues
  • Rights
    • Copyright
    • Creative Commons
    • Permissions
  • Contracts
    • Editors
    • Authors
    • Societies
  • Acquisitions
  • Dealing with a society
  • Tenders / RFP
  • Counter-offers
  • Ownership
  • Establish a brand
  • Promoting to authors
  • Promoting to readers
  • Social media
  • Use and abuse
  • Impact Factor
  • Alternatives
  • Alternative metrics
Publishing models
  • Who pays?
  • Subscription-based
  • Open Access
  • Funder sponsored
  • New models

Example Here

Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit
voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium,
totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae ab illo inventore
veritatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt explicabo.

All submissions are routed through the editorial office
which is run by the Editor-in-Chief. The editorial office
assigns manuscripts to the relevant subject editors.
Subject editors arrange for a peer review through the editorial office.
Subject editors provide a recommendation to the Editor-in-Chief
based on two reviews. The Editor-in-Chief  takes all final decisions.

Editor in Chief
Bill Gates, Microsoft corporation, started in 2020 and has a contract for another 4 years.

Steve Jobs, review editor, University of Wisconsin, agreement for another 3 years

J.K. .Rowling, book review editor, Hogwarts University, has an agreement for another 2 years.