Freelance editors welcome!

We would be happy to have you apply to join the Magknowlia team. The rates we offer our editors are comparable to, and often better, than those of our competitors. In addition, we endeavour to pay our editors, automatically through PayPal, within one week following the completion of an edit.


You need to be:

  • A native English speaker with a PhD and a publication record, OR
  • A native English speaker without a PhD, but an experienced (2+ years) language editor, OR
  • A native English speaker without a PhD, but an experienced (5+ years) researcher


We would be happy to have you apply to join the Magknowlia team. The rates we offer our editors are comparable to, and often better, than those of our competitors. In addition, we endeavour to pay our editors, automatically through PayPal, within one week following the completion of an edit.

How to join

Download our test-edit here.
Please edit this and send it back to us by email with the following information:

  • Name
  • Full address
  • Information about your highest degree.
  • If you have a link to academic papers where you are the (co-) author
  • Short blurb about yourself (Click here for some examples:
  • A profile picture (should you not wish to be recognizable then feel free to use a different motif).


Please mail this to and we will get back to you quickly. Should you have any questions prior to submitting your test-edit then please use the same mail address.

Example Here

Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit
voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium,
totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae ab illo inventore
veritatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt explicabo.

All submissions are routed through the editorial office
which is run by the Editor-in-Chief. The editorial office
assigns manuscripts to the relevant subject editors.
Subject editors arrange for a peer review through the editorial office.
Subject editors provide a recommendation to the Editor-in-Chief
based on two reviews. The Editor-in-Chief  takes all final decisions.

Editor in Chief
Bill Gates, Microsoft corporation, started in 2020 and has a contract for another 4 years.

Steve Jobs, review editor, University of Wisconsin, agreement for another 3 years

J.K. .Rowling, book review editor, Hogwarts University, has an agreement for another 2 years.